Ron Abuelo, a genuine dark rum crafted by Varela-Hermanos, a third-generation distillery from Panama, undergoes a meticulous production process. This exquisite rum is created from sugar cane grown on their own estate, making Varela-Hermanos one of the few distilleries globally to cultivate their own raw material. The carefully aged spirit is then matured in oak casks, resulting in a truly authentic and exceptional rum experience.
A luscious translucent light copper gold colour. Sweet, cane juice and molasses, spicy but dryish nose, nicely complex. Spicy, medium bodied, touches of nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, mace and butterscotch. Nuts and spices, with a touch of sweetness lead to a pleasantly lingering finish.
Country: Panama
ABV: 40%
Volume: 70cl