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Kirkjuvagr Aurora Gin
Kirkjuvagr Aurora Gin

Kirkjuvagr Aurora Gin

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In Orkney, the appearance of the Aurora Borialis, or Northern Lights, marks the start of the journey towards the long, dark nights of an island winter.  The almost endless days of summer means that this breath-taking spectacle can’t be easily seen, so the return of the ‘Merry Dancers’ is always eagerly anticipated.  It’s a time for wrapping up and gazing skywards in awe, before gathering indoors to share stories around a roaring peat fire. 

This Aurora edition of the acclaimed Kirkjuvagr Gin seeks to bring extra warmth and spice to those crisp evenings under the stars.  Ground cinnamon, nutmeg and whole cloves provide this warm spice whilst pink and black peppercorns provide a lasting tongue-tingling presence in the finish.

Country: Scotland
Region: Orkney Islands
Style: Dry Gin
ABV: 42%
Volume: 70cl