Delirium Nocturnum is a full bodied and comforting, chocolaty-bitter, triple speciality. A warm velvety soft character beer with a strong taste and long lasting bitter aftertaste - Delirium Nocturnum is the sister Belgian ale to Delirium Tremens. It is a Belgian ale that is strong, complex, with lots of flavour and character. Delirium Nocturnum is a triple fermented beer with re-fermentation in the bottle.
Brewers of one of the most famous brands in the world, Huyghe is a towering brewery with a reputation for delicious, accessible beers. Best known for its strong ale Delirium Tremens, which is so omnipresent that people think it is the name of the brewery not the beer.
Country: Belguim
Brewery: Huyghe
Style: Dark & Quadruple
ABV: 8.5%
BOTTLE Size: 330ml